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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How To Save The Republican Party; An Open Letter To Michael Steele

Cartoon by Nate Beeler

Brother Steele,

It should be painfully obvious why you got your job; you are black, 'hip', and most of all, expendable. Who are you, who were you, and who will you be next year? Think about it, man. Why in the hell did they offer you the job? Why in the hell did you take the job? If you thought for a second that the Grand Old Party drank the Obama Cool Aid and woke up to racial inequality and social injustice, you are more out of touch than corporate media makes you out to be.

We both know that when the ad hoc leaders of the Republican party are hatred and fear spewing radio personalities, something has gone terribly awry. You have consistantly gone back on your statements when they proved to upset Limbaugh and his puppet Hannity. Your days are numbered as the GOP Chairman, surely you know this.

So, if I may, let me propose a different outcome for you: seize your party by the balls. Look the Evangelicals in the eye and tell them to go back to their cave where they belong. Currently the GOP is enjoying an 18% approval rating, (roughly the same number of conservative right-wing fundementalists in the country). People have left the party in droves. What has happened to the Republicans is exactly what would happen to the Democrats if they chose to embrace Earth First as their fountain head. Yes, that's where the money was in the '80s an '90s, but look at where the fringe took the party; reckless, historical spending, full involvement in foreign affairs, endangering our military by putting it in uneccassary and illegal wars, promoting an intolerant and exclusive America that kow-tows to corporations, while stripping the republic of it's resources.

What makes America the "home of the free, and the land of the brave" is just exactly that; FREE and BRAVE. not secretive and fearful. So, my bother from another mother, can you hear the train acomin'? This is your time, man. Take back the party from the crazy religious right. Admit that what was allowed to happen to your party was a mistake, and declare yourself, once again, free from the restraints of state affairs being dictated by some religious bastardization. This isn't about power or control. This isn't about keeping your job or looking Cool to obtain the young vote. This is about history. This is about freedom. This is about America.

So what's it to be, my man? Do you want to stay on as the black lackey that allowed the Republican party to die under it's own intolerance? Or do you want to go down in history as the man who took the Republican Party back from the ledge of fanatical suicide? I'm pretty sure, at the end of the day, when you look in the mirror, you know in your heart of hearts what an amazing opportunity you have to be a great American. Just as I'm sure that when you are on your death bed, only you can answer the question; did I have the balls to be a great American?

Well, do ya, punk?

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