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Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, equality, truth and justice for all.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

States Rights, Or Get Off My Lawn

Two days ago, Dr. Tiller from Wichita, Kansas, was gunned downed in the church where he was ushering. He was assassinated by a lone gunman who was a part of an extreme, right wing, anti-abortion league. They call themselves right to lifers. They believe in the 'sanctity of life'. So, someone from their group kills a doctor who believes that abortion in some cases is medically necessary. So, who kills the guy, for killing the guy who "killed" babies? And where does that cycle end? And who makes such decisions?

It is my belief, and firm conviction, that this, among many countless other issues, is precisely why we created America. This is a country where I can believe whatever I want. And don't you dare come into my world and tell me what to believe or think or feel. If you don't like what I do, stay the hell away from me. I am not coming into your world and making you do what I believe. How in the world do these people feel they have any right to impose their will on me, or any other American, who doesn't believe what they do? It's righteous indignation and utter hypocrisy.

How about we live in a country where we can each believe in whatever we want? A country where we respect the reality that we are Americans first, and our personal beliefs come second to that hard fought for freedom. This is the ultimate price we each pay every day here; tolerance of differences out of respect for the foundations of our country.

But that freedom has a responsibility. We all live in this country together; Jews, Christians, Muslims, Pagans, Atheists, Democrats, Corporatists, Republicans, Greens, loggers, doctors, lawyers, carpenters, husband, wives, sons and daughters.

We have a system of government which allows for each town, city, county, state to have representatives that we vote into office; that closest resemble what we believe, so that our voice may be heard in government. We live in a country where, if you don't like the demographics of your surroundings, you are free to move to any area in the country that closer resembles your value system. That could be gambling and prostitution in Nevada, third term abortions in Wichita, Mormonism (polygamy) in Utah, Amish in Pennsylvania and even the Cowboys in Dallas. That was the whole point of forging America.

If you don't like the way this country works, go to school, enter the government and change it. Or move to Zimbabwe. Or Jakarta. In any case, whatever you do, get off my lawn and off of what's left of my personal freedoms.

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